A clone of Meetup website

A clone of Meetup website

Hello there, as a part of learning MERN stack at Masai School, we tried implementing the skills we learned by working on cloning of Meetup website.

Tech Stack used

Html, CSS, ReactJS

Libraries used

Ant Design and React-multi-carousel


Planning is the first thing we need to do before proceeding to the actual project. We planned our work based on the user flow and gave priority to the quality of the functionalities rather than the quantity.


  • On the first day, we started collating the data required to make API calls and some of the static pages of the website.
  • On the second day we completed all the static pages and started working on the dynamic part of the website.
  • On the third and fourth day we completed all the dynamic pages and dome some code quality checks.

Some screenshots of the clone...

Landing Page

Landing Page.png

Login Page

Login Page.jpg

Signup Page

Sign Up.png

Home Page

Main Page.png

Event List Page

Event Search Page.png

Event Details Page

Event Detail Page.png

Create Event Page

Create Event Page.png


  • This is the first react project we worked on and felt a bit challenging.
  • We also used Ant Design and React-multi-carousel libraries for the first time.

But in the end, it was a great experience as we learned so many new things working as a team.
